My location

What is my location?

My location now

What is my current location now? Our "My Location" app shows your exact current location on a map, with my location coordinates and my location address.

my location loaderAllow location access to proceed

My Location

Also get my latitude and longitude coordinates in both decimal and sexagesimal formats, my elevation in both feet and meters, and my location address including the country, city, zip code, street name and house number (when available).

Geolocation: analyzing my location loader
My location address: waiting my location loader
My coordinates: waiting my location loader
Sexagesimal coordinates: waiting my location loader
My elevation: waiting my location loader
what3words: waiting my location loader

Share my location

If the geolocation process showing where you are has been successful, you can use the following link to share your location:

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Mobile Geolocation

Visiting this website from a mobile device? Improve the geolocation accuracy by allowing access to your device's inbuilt GPS system.